Sam Wu Is Not Afraid Of Ghosts by Kevin Tsang and Katie Tsang - Buy 1 get 1 half price on all Sam Wu books!

Buy 1 get 1 half price on all Sam Wu books!
The brilliantly funny and first book in the SAM WU series, starring the bravest
scaredy-cat in the world!
Sam Wu is NOT a scaredy-cat (except he is). When a trip to the Space Museum goes terrifyingly wrong, Sam begins a mission to prove to the school bully, and all of his friends, that he is a fearless space adventurer.
A truly laugh-out-loud, voice-led and madcap story of ghost hunting, snakes and mischievous pet cats called Butterbutt, perfect for fans of Tom Gates, Wilf the Mighty Worrier and Barry Loser, and readers aged six plus.
Common childhood fears dealt with in a hilarious, sensitive and accessible way.
Free gift wrapping included!
Collect all of Sam Wu's super-awesome adventures!
Sam Wu is NOT Afraid of Ghosts 9781405287517
Sam Wu is NOT Afraid of Sharks 9781405287524
Sam Wu is NOT Afraid of the Dark 9781405287531
Sam Wu is NOT Afraid of Spiders 9781405294287
Sam Wu is NOT Afraid of Zombies 9781405295727
Sam Wu is NOT Afraid of Space 9781405297615