Sam Wu Is Not Afraid Of Spiders by Katie Tsang and Kevin Tsang - Buy 1 get 1 half price on all Sam Wu books!

Buy 1 get 1 half price on all Sam Wu books!
The brilliantly funny fourth book in the SAM WU series, starring the bravest scaredy-cat in the world!
Perfect for reluctant readers and fans of Humza Arshad's Badman.
Sam Wu is NOT afraid of anything. Well, maybe some things. Like ghosts, sharks … the dark's pretty worrying too. And not to mention SPIDERS! But Sam's not going to let anyone know. And so when Tulip, the school tarantula, disappears from her cage, Sam decides it's up to him and his friends to save the school from the eight-legged escapee …
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Common childhood fears dealt with in a hilarious, sensitive and accessible way.
Also by Katie and Kevin Tsang:
Sam Wu is NOT Afraid of Ghosts 9781405287517
Sam Wu is NOT Afraid of Sharks 9781405287524
Sam Wu is NOT Afraid of the Dark 9781405287531